While the US has shifted toward a service economy, most production jobs have moved overseas where the prices are far below what most domestic factories can deliver. Although this migration of production has many benefits to manufacturers and consumers, there are also great risks to human rights and safety. Stories of factory violations are all too well known, including violations of child labor laws, safety hazards to workers and consumers, chemical exposures, and the list goes on. Costco makes it a top priority to ensure that all factories are compliant with their standards, which can even exceed what the law requires. It is extremely important that your factory and products can pass high level audits, including state and national requirements related to all risk related aspects of production.
VendorCo can help you understand what is likely to be required from you in a Costco factory audit, which in turn can potentially avoid failed inspections, as well as damage to your reputation and relationships with the buyers.
If you are looking for expert Costco representation from a company that can help prepare you for the unexpected, contact VendorCo today.