About Us

Company Overview
VendorCo is a dedicated, Costco specific manufacturer’s representative company. We specialize solely in Costco product placement and program development, and work with Costco buying staff on a daily basis, giving our clients a distinct advantage.
When you work with us, we tailor our proven process to your product or service, so you can expect only the best results!
- Readiness Questionnaire
- Product Review and Analysis
- Select Top 3 Products to Present to Costco
- Develop Merchandising Strategy and Packaging
- Costco Meeting Preparation
- Costco Meeting Attendance
- Follow Up Strategy and Next Steps
- Sales Begin
VendorCo’s mission is to help business owners achieve success by developing and placing exciting, new products into Costco.
Getting products into Costco can be overwhelming, complex, and time-consuming. We provide the expertise, knowledge and relationships so busy business owners don’t have to figure it out themselves.
We also understand how difficult and time-consuming it is for Costco to whittle down the thousands of products that come across buyers’ desks every day. That’s why we thoroughly vet our prospective clients, to not only select the most unique, exciting products, but to ensure readiness for Costco placement as well.
We’re committed to helping businesses succeed by achieving Costco placement, at the same time doing business with 100% integrity and the greatest respect for our clients and Costco.

VendorCo Founder and CEO — Susan Walker
Susan Walker has over 30 years of experience as a professional working with Costco. With 15 years of Costco employment encompassing distribution, product diversion, buying and operations gave her in-depth well-rounded first-hand knowledge of Costco’s culture, company focus, favored communications, buying processes, understanding of their departmental breakdowns and overlaps, operational expectations and outlook, distribution and packaging expectations.
After making a difficult decision to leave Costco so that she could more available to her family, Susan decided to use her expert knowledge of how Costco works to help businesses achieve the difficult task of getting their products placed into Costco. Susan Walker independently founded VendorCo ((dba of Blue Ribbon Marketing, Inc.)in 2005. Today, VendorCo has grown into one of the most highly sought-after Costco and PriceSmart product placement expert experiencing over 120,000 visits to our website annually.
Susan is an experienced entrepreneur and can relate to the challenges business owners face when building brand recognition and forging new paths for sales. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge and helping entrepreneurs and companies achieve success with product placement at Costco Wholesale, the largest wholesale chain in the United States; as of March 2019, serving 97M members from 770 locations worldwide experiencing $152.7B in revenue annually.
Susan Walker has helped well over a hundred companies successfully place products, regionally, nationally, and internationally into Costco stores and ecommerce sites. One of her many achievements is the unprecedented success she has had with Gift Card programs at Costco, starting with 24 Hour Fitness, which became the #1 item sold at Costco Wholesale instore and online for 7 years: 2009 – 2016. No matter the focus from product creation to OEM/ Private Label or labeled foods and non-foods products VendorCo can and does help.
Susan resides in Orange County, and is an avid outdoor enthusiast who enjoys skiing, hiking, traveling, photography, and spending time with her family. Her passion for leadership and mentorship has led her to become a Youth Leader for High School Teens. She is also an author and is currently working on a financial curriculum for teens that will be distributed worldwide.
Susan is a 2013 Orange County Global Woman of the Year Nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year.