Rejected Programs: failure to DELIVER

Costco may reject your program if you are unable to deliver on what you promise. Often, this literally means delivering product to the warehouses, depots, or the member’s home – depending on your agreement. If you are incapable of fulfilling orders or delivering product on time, then we cannot stress enough how important it is to be upfront and honest. Better yet, find a fulfillment center or a solution so you CAN deliver.

How do you know whether or not you will need assistance delivering your product? Luckily, VendorCo can help you better understand what is likely to be required from you. There are several avenues to Costco placement, and we can provide you with your options and the structure of each. This information can be invaluable in getting your product in front of the right buyers for your company.

If you are interested in getting more information about the different avenues of Costco and the requirements for each, VendorCo offers all companies the opportunity to speak with one of our executive account managers through the purchase of a telephone consulting session. Better yet, partner with VendorCo to receive free consultation services as a standard piece to your service. Check out our services page to find the best option for your company.

We Are Proud To Have Worked With

Amazon Book: 15 Elements of Successful Product Placement

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