Starting Fresh – Expert Representation

The theme of September thus far has been to start fresh with Costco by partnering with an expert. However, we urge you to be cautious of the representation that you choose. An inside sales representative may have experience working with Costco, but experience does not always align with expertise. Costco is an exceptionally large retailer with many different avenues, offices, and departments. Not all Costco buyers conduct their departments in the same way, so experience in one specific area with one specific product means very little when looking at the big picture.

We recommend searching for an outside representation company that works with Costco every day, through many avenues, offices, and departments. This will ensure that your partners have the knowledge, relationships, and experience that are needed to navigate you through all of your endeavors with Costco Wholesale.

Contact VendorCo for expert representation:

We Are Proud To Have Worked With

Amazon Book: 15 Elements of Successful Product Placement

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