Rejected Programs: flawed PRESENTATION

The importance of your product presentation cannot be stressed enough. If your presentation is flawed, you risk missing out on an exceptionally lucrative relationship. It is important to note, that when we refer to flawed presentation, we do not mean simple errors that could be noticed by any writer, marketing expert, financial representative, etc. When we refer to flawed presentation, we are referring to presentations that do not provide adequate information that is specific to a Costco program.

Did you know that some Costco departments have a checklist for the information that they require to be included? Missing information may result in your presentation being overlooked entirely. Costco buyers view countless presentations on a daily basis, and they simply do not have the time to hand-hold every offer and provide you with a detailed list of what they need. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary information is provided.

However, there is a balance between providing enough information, and providing too much.  Too much erroneous information and fluffy dialogue can distract from the points that Costco finds exceptionally valuable. As previously noted, Costco buyers are busy! They certainly will not be interested in a 50 page presentation that requires a large chunk of their time to analyze, especially when the information they require should easily fit on just a few, simple pages. It is important to include all important details, while still respecting the buyer’s busy schedule. The easier you make their job…well, I’m sure you can imagine the benefits that will provide you.

VendorCo has perfected the presentation process based on years of experience working with Costco buyers. We are aware of the information the buyers are looking for, in the format they prefer, through the avenue they appreciate. As a VendorCo client, we can even create the presentation for you, providing you access to our trade secrets that can only be acquired through years of experience. If you are interested in taking advantage of VendorCo’s knowledge of the Costco processes, contact us today!

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