As part of’s shipping options, vendors may have the opportunity to utilize a third party shipping account. Regardless of the amount of shipping your company does, it likely does not amount to the volume experiences on a daily basis. Higher volumes lead to better, more competitive shipping rates, which is great for the vendor, Costco, and the member.
There are specific steps that you must take in order to qualify for and/or obtain a 3rd party ship account, and this starts with the presentation process. Is it in your best interest to obtain a 3rd party shipping account? Are you having trouble deciding? What more do you need to know about this process before moving forward?
A knowledgeable rep can help answer all of these questions, and more. If you choose to partner with a representative company like VendorCo, you will be more equipped and prepared to make the best decisions for your Costco program. Contact us today to get started, at