New or emerging businesses mostly advertise through print, electronic, or in person. Print advertising includes newspapers, flyer ads, magazines, and mailers.
Electronic advertising includes radio, television, and internet.
In-Person advertising includes street fairs, door-to-door sales, and is considered a form of Gorilla marketing.
Advertising is largely a necessity.
When you Google search the term “Advertising” over 2 Billion sites are available on the subject.
Advertising results are best realized in 6 month increments.
Why 6 month increments?
Generally, it takes hearing or seeing an ad 4 times before a customer will fully absorb what your company or ad is about.
Thus the rule of thumb is to consistently target the same demographic for at least 6 months., then move to a new option of advertising if it does not do well.
We suggest you do your research or hire an expert prior before purchasing any advertising.
See the advertisement from a top 5 branded United States company:
How to find a successful branding company? Read more here